Ort: Paris
Zeitraum: 2021
Charlie Hebdo Portable Pavillon
Freedom of speech is the function of any free and humanistic society. It is present just like the air we breathe and supports our daily routines.
If we only take it for granted though as a mere possibility to speak out if we want to but reverse it when we would have to, we wear this foundation out. Neglecting the space that free speech opens up for us will make it disappear.
The gallery of free speech:
We create this space using the main spatial requirements of the pavilion and organize them in a rectangular shape to create an open space that works as gallery. The gallery’s floor will be out of chalk. The black walls will be the focus of the space, set in scene by the neutral daylight from above. They can be used as blackboard written on with the chalk bits rubbed of from the visitors shoes. This though the visitor has to discover him/herself.
The main structure.
Since the pavilion should travel around, the main structure will be made of timber with an integrated connector system made out of steel plates (section AA). This wooden Frame construction can be assembled multiple times and easily transported without loosing it’s structural stability. The Pavilion gives people the freedom to discover their own voice and to decide whether they want to use it or not. We create a space that offers the opportunity to balance out points of views without prescribing how free speech has to be constituted. On the contrary: It won’t be possible to tell in advance in which forms free speech will manifest itself.
The Charlie hebdo pavilion mirrors the thoughts of the people visiting it. They might be very different in every city, region and country. Though they also might be alike and we’ll seee the same doodles, sketches and messages. Whatever we are going to discover, the overall picture will be the expression of free speech. After each exhibition we will collect the blackboard panels to achieve them as a witness and evidence of this freedom.
Dedicated to the people of Charlie Hebdo and everyone who left their lives, stood up and still stand for the fundamental right of free speech!